
On the waterfront is directed by Elia Kazan, it’s about the coalition violence and corruption amongst the longshoreme. It explores the different perspectives of how power and morals are dealt within the kind of society the characters live in. At the end of the film each of the characters has experienced growth. Whether it is in a positive /negative way. Even within the side watches growth has occurred.   Having the support from others many characters find the courage to testify against the mob and stand up for what they believe in. Then there are those who do not get the opportunity to fit in , to be heard. Due to the way the society is structured out to be.   Taking advantage of the their power leads certain characters   creating negative attitude therefore resulting in negative growth.

There are those who feel that there is an unfair treatment within the society, with the Support from others they find the courage to take action. This creates positive within their personalities. One of the main characters who have is Terry. Terry doesn’t particularly care about work and instead he devotes his dreams, energy, and care to his racing pigeons. This is different to the other longshoremen who plead (beg) to work. At the beginning of the film Terry is used as a prop for Johnny friendly’s plan to kill Joey, he is used in a way which he is disadvantaged and at the same time unaware of the situation in which he is placed in. “He wasn't a bad kid, that Joey.”   After unawaringly being part of Joey’s death, he then feels the guilt and need to look after Joeys pigeons. This indicates that Terry’s remorse on his behalf for Joey’s death.   Terry witnesses three deaths and there is one death in particular that affects Joey’s growth   greatly. The death of his brother, Charlie. Terry was affected by the other deaths but not to the same extent as his own brother’s death. The devastation of finding out that his brother is dead and at the same time it gives him a reason to stand up for...

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