Faculty Evaluation System

Purpose and Description
The system to be developed for Forbes College will be called “Web-based Faculty Evaluation of Forbes College- Legazpi City.” The system will be designed to ease the semester/trimester Faculty Evaluation for the improvement of the performance of the instructors. This study is intended to modernize the evaluation process. It will focus on how to minimize or reduce the time needed in the manual process as well to produce an accurate output. The study will also use the technology’s capability for the reproduction, improvement and straight forward way of evaluating their instructors. For the totality, the study aims to produce an efficient, effective and productive system that will lessen the work of the management in terms of faculty evaluation.
In the proposed system, a web/database server which will handle all the information is to be placed in the Faculty office. The server will have to accommodate all user’s information and allow or restrict all other transaction on the system. This will enable quick responses to inquire and updates of records whenever necessary. Password protection is also enabled. Before users can log on to the system, he/she is required to verify his identity by providing his/her username and password. Accessing and updating the records can only be done on the server computer. Each user has its own limitation in using the system. For the students, they will provide or fill-up the information needed for evaluating their instructors. For the instructors, they can view the results but they will not know the name of the student who evaluate them and they are not allowed to view the other instructors’ evaluation results. The COO will only view all the result from the faculty evaluation system. The Dean will view or check the overall results, after getting the results he or she will discuss it to the specific instructor assigned to be evaluated. Since the information is confidential, they are the only one that have the...