Eymp 3 : Promote Children’S Welfare and Wellbeing in the Early Years

EYMP 3 : Promote children’s welfare and wellbeing in the early years
  1. Understand the welfare requirements of the relevant early years framework.
Explain the welfare requirements and guidance of the relevant early years framework.

    1.1 Explain the welfare requirements and guidance of the relevant early years framework.

Welfare requirements - Within your setting you should safeguard and promote Children’s welfare, we must take necessary steps to ensure this.

Care, Development and Play

All settings need to make sure children feel valued, respected and independence is promoted while they are in a safe and secure setting.
All routines should allow time for outdoor play for all ages. Routines also need to be flexible enough to allow the children to finish their task. Under the EYFS we as practitioners observe children during physical play this is to note the skills that they are showing and what could be emerging, this gives us important information on how we can support the child such as providing new activities, toys or simply encourage the child.


It is vital that all childcare setting take the necessary precautions to ensure the safety of all the children we mind. All cupboards must be locked to ensure all cleaning materials are out of reach for small children in compliance with COSHH regulations. All fire hazards are risk assessed and necessary precautions put in place as well as having fire extinguishers, smoke alarms checked on a regular basis. We must ensure that there are suitable people and staffing levels are appropriate to ensure safety to all children. The premises, environment and equipment must be suitable to cater for the children, these include outdoor and indoor spaces, furniture, equipment and toys and they must be safe and suitable for the children in your care, age/stage appropriate.


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