Explain Legislative Framework for Health and Safetyhealth and Safety

M1 1.1 1.2
Explain the legislative framework for health, safety and risk management in the work setting.

As a company Caremark are committed to ensuring the Health Safety and welfare of all staff members, customers and visitors.
Caremark’s Health and Safety Policy is written in line with the Health and Safety at work act 1974 legislation.
As an employer my responsibility as the Care Manager is to ensure my employees have a save environment to work in, as my employees work in a variety of different clients homes, before any work is carried out I must ensure there is an Environmental Risk assessment carried out, this covers the interior and exterior of a client’s home to ensure my staff are safe whilst carrying out their calls.
These Environment risk assessments assess any potential or actual risk to the employee or client. These environment risk assessment provide control measures to minimise any identified risk.
The risk assessments are reviewed depending on their final risk rating, High risk are reviewed 3 monthly, medium risk are reviewed 6 monthly and low risk is reviewed annually.   This is not exhaustive, any risk assessments are also reviewed as and when any changes may occur.
At all times I am required to ensure that my staff have the required amount of protective clothing that is required, to ensure their role is carried out safely and to eliminate the risk of infection control.
Prior to carrying their role I ensure all staff are adequately trained in Health and Safety, including Moving and Handling, COSHH, Fire Safety, this training is updated on an annual basis and relevant or new legislation passed on when required through team meetings or supervisions.  
Under the RIDDOR, Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013, I am required to report fatalities caused by workplace injuries, major injuries or incidents, dangerous occurrences and occupational diseases.
At all times I am required to work with staff, clients...