Explain Areas of Growth or Decline in the Primary, Secondary & Tertiary Classification of Business Activities?


Explain areas of growth or decline in the primary, secondary & tertiary classification of business activities?

Explain changes in the coal industry by answering the following questions.

  A) How employment in the industry increased or decreased since 1920?

It has decreased because back in early 1920’s there had trains which were run by coal and now they are run by electric. The coal industry employed over 1.2 million people because in those times they needed people to work in the coal industry, due to the fact they did not have technology and machinery to produce huge amounts, therefore required larger workforce to meet the demand. Over the year the coal industry has decreased because it is expensive to run and they don’t need it as much because most things are run by electricity. United Kingdom imports most of the coal, as it cheaper to buy coal from different countries because it is cheaper labour.

  B) How has demand for coal changed since 1950? Suggest two reasons for this.
Gone down dramatically in the UK - not wholly because of the Clean Air Acts.

Domestically - more people have gas central heating - don't want to be bothered with making up fires and allows more of the home to be used. People used to avoiding using some rooms if it meant having to make up a fire. Also the coal is not as convenient as central heating and is also cheaper to run central heating the coal.

Politically - Power stations used to run on coal - since the 1970's Miners Strikes these have been phased out where possible in favour of alternative fuels.

Source: http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090611042250AAVyR6W

“world coal use has gone up dramatically since 1950, mostly because China continues to build one coal generating electric plant per week, and the US electric utilities have remained largely dependent on coal generation, which has risen with US electricity consumption since then...the world generates 44% of its electricity...