Examine the Argument That Places Can Be a Source of Inclusion and Exclusion for Specific Communities

Examine the argument that places can be a source of inclusion and exclusion for specific communities
How do people experience “who am I”? , how are they seen by others? People take on many different identities. Identities can relate to people or places and can play a huge role in inclusion or exclusion. Inclusion is the act of including or the state of being included and exclusion is the act or an instance of excluding or the state of being excluded. This essay looks at an article from “The Spectator Magazine” Erving Goffman, Harold Garfinkel and Jonathan Raban’s theories and considers the argument that places can be a source of inclusion and exclusion.
Identity therefore may be categorised under many different headings for example age, group, sex, occupation and nationality all of these can also be classed as a group/collective identity. A group or collective identity is both individual and social as it refers to others who are both similar and different, we also have situated and relational identities. Not everyone is classed as equal and this may result in a winner/loser divide. Social identity is an identity given by connections to other people and social situations.
According to Goffman (cited in Taylor, 2009, p. 172) “Social behaviour is dramaturgical, like a theatrical play; we are all actors, trying to give our best possible performance to make our lives work as we want them to”.   Erving Goffman observed people in action and believed people behave in a certain way that would allow others to form a better opinion of them. By looking at people’s actions within social situations we automatically make assumptions about others for example we see people buying things, carrying numerous shopping bags and walking fast we associate them with shopping. We see a busy street with a person walking slowly and stopping to take photos we assume they must be tourists.  
Harold Garfinkel focuses more on ordering and how individuals play their parts. He believed that the...