Evidence Base Practice-Effect of New Incentive System for High-Risk

Many common practice of nursing is more connected to tradition than is evidence based.   Nurses prefer to rely on their intuition, experience, tradition and hospital policy and procedure instead of research findings for decision making in particular condition.   Policies and procedures may have gradually evolved over time without support from any body of scientific evidence.   Thus, transitioning to evidence based practice (EPB) is a formidable process.   However, nurses need EBP in order to provide the best possible treatments to the patients which indirectly improved the quality of patients’ care. In other word, practices are informed by evidence.   Also, EBP is preferable or should be considered since personal experiences and expertise can be misleading and influence judgment.   As an example, decades ago nurses were taught the concept of backrub as a way of preventing pressure sore.   But it is no longer in practice as new evidence prevail that by doing vigorous backrub it will cause skin breakdown and more harm than benefit to patients especially those who maybe at high risk of developing pressure ulcer such as patients with spinal injury.
The aim of this assignment is to compare how by utilizing skills in nursing patients with pressure ulcer will aid in promoting the healing process of pressure ulcer which in turn will be cost   effective in relation of lesser materials used and shortened the length of patient’s staying.   The topic was chosen because the writer is currently working in Long Term Care Unit whereby 80% of the patients are bed ridden and majority of them had developed pressure ulcers during hospitalization though some had been admitted with existing pressure ulcers.
Historically EPB is relatively new in nursing.   In 1960’s nursing started to close the gap between research and practice.   Followed by utilization of research in 1970’s which was not often recognized due to Medics took over the lead in research based journals...