
Everyman and Dr . Faustus
Both plays under analysis portray evolution of human spirit and
self-identity , evolution of morality and values of the main characters .
In ``Everyman ' and ``Dr Faustus ' the authors depict that knowledge and
learning is an integral part of our life it is a driven force of
progress or regress . Without new knowledge nothing could happen , neither
good nor bad . Thesis Knowledge , its acceptance or rejection ,
determines the level of heroes evolution and transformations affecting
their spiritual carriers .
In both works knowledge (learning ) forces heroes to look for new ways
and methods to change their life . In Dr Faustus , the main character
comes to conclusion that traditional knowledge limits his understanding
of the universe and starts to seek for another source of his spiritual
development . He grasps knowledge with the help of a devil : ``This study
fits a mercenary drudge / Who aims at nothing but external trash / Too
servile and illiberal for me (Marlowe , 1997 . In ``Everyman ' the hero
has nothing to do but addresses learning as the main source of
knowledge . Everyman has to find a companion to join him , but everyone
declines . Through learning the character understands the essence of life
and friendship , virtues and values previously rejected . Knowledge says :
``Eueryman , herken what I saye / And receyue of hym in ony wyse /
The holy sacrament and oyntement togyder (Anonymous , 1993 .
The difference is that Dr Faustus is looking for magic and magical
knowledge depriving morality and human values while Everyman
``examines ' the role of virtues and morality within the process of
learning . In Dr Faust6us knowledge represents self-assertion of the
intellectual while in Everyman knowledge unveils the personal and moral
consequences of his revolt against death . Growth and metamorphosis are
the unifying themes in the Dr Faustus out of which the fully...