
“I will prescribe regimen for the good of my patients according to my ability and my judgment and never do harm to anyone. To please no one will I prescribe a deadly drug, nor give advice that may cause his death.” This is the oath of Hippocrates which for centuries has been taken by practitioners of medicine
Good Morning, my fellow debaters, esteemed adjudicators and my dear audience, today, I, Animay Sharma of class 12, am honoured to present my views against the topic, euthanasia should be legalised in India.
By echoing the words of Hippocrates, in a rather layman’s manner, it is clear, that all registered medical practitioners, under oath, cannot administer lethal treatment to a person, however much he/she might be distressed.   Euthanasia, also known as physician assisted Suicide contradicts the very basic tenet, upon which the profession of medicine is based.
Many of my opponents have made worthy arguments as to how euthanasia has a rightful place in Indian society, but what a lot of proponents of euthanasia have overlooked is position of psychological and social factors, which bring about suicidal ideation in a person. People suffering from Depression, anxiety, or stuck in a never ending debt trap, might choose to end their combatable misery by opting for a legal instrument in the form of euthanasia.
“From the soviet Gulag to the Nazi concentration camps and the killing fields of Cambodia, history teaches that granting the state legal authority to kill have legal consequences”
We need to be very careful about giving the right to kill to anybody especially the state as there might be other considerations which might come in to play while deciding who lives and who dies.
Euthanasia is only ethically and legally possible in a society, where the rule of law is administered without fear, favours or corruption and is ingrained in every citizen. So, at present, it is permissible only in small, homogeneous Western democracies, but not in most countries around the...