European and Japanese Feudalism

Compare/Contrast European and Japanese Feudalism

Feudalism was based on the exchange of land for military service. It was a political system in place in Europe and Japan for many centuries and was used to rule large groups of people just like a democracy or a monarchy. Although feudalism in Europe began before feudalism in Japan, they were both very similar to one another. Feudalism in Europe began to form in the late 800’s after the division of Charlemagne’s Holy Roman Empire and the height of feudalism was during the 11th century and flourished in the 12th and 13th centuries. Feudalism in Japan was not influenced by Europe because during feudal Japan, it was isolated from the rest of the world. Even though independent, Feudal Japan and Feudal Europe compare in their development of feudalism, their caste system of serfs, and their feudalistic system.
 European and Japanese feudalism were similar because of the fact they carried out a need for protection. European feudalism was created to protect Europeans from outside invasions. Invasions from outside groups, such as the Vikings and Muslims, created problems for the lords. Europe’s need and purpose of developing a feudal country reflected upon the outlook of feudalism through the Europeans’ point of view. Japanese feudalism developed because of internal attacks by groups of uncontrolled armies and had more of a military characteristic. The decline of the central government allowed private armies to form. Japanese farmers that were subject to feudalism sought protection from their noble, and as a result, reflected upon the Japanese’ point of view on feudalism. Feudalism in both regions was based on a system of mutual commitment.
Considering feudalism is based off the ownership of land, both Japan and Europe had landowning and non-landowning castes during the Middle Ages. Feudal Japan fell under a class system of nobles, warriors, and peasants. The highest of social status was the emperor, who played the...