Eth/125 W7 Day 7 Hispanic American Diversity

Hispanic Americans can be found all over the United States. Many of the Hispanic American immigrants suffer great discrimination and persecution. The reason why is because they are different and some Americans fear what is different and then lash out toward people to be safe. If Americans would only expand their minds and find out about the different cultures and backgrounds of these people they would find they are not much different than you and I. Here is a summary of the linguistic, political, social, economic, religious, and familial conventions of the Mexican Americans, Puerto Rican Americans, Dominican Americans, and Cuban Americans.
Mexican Americans are Americans from Mexico. They migrated to Texas in the 1820s. They came to America mostly looking for the American dream. Today Mexican Americans can be found in many states though. Mexican Americans are very hardworking people who will work for very little money. Mexican Americans speak Spanish. The longer they live in the United States though the more they began to learn and speak English. The ones who are born in America learn English and Spanish so that makes the bilingual. Mexican Americans are not moving forward in status socially very well or quickly. They tend to stick to their own kind and do not socialize outside their families very often. They are very humble so they don’t thrive to do better they just accept what they have and continue to be poor. They are poor in the fact that their status is low-income compared to the average American home. Their social status is still low and they are considered immigrants. The religion of most Mexican Americans is Catholic.
Puerto Rican Americans speak Spanish. Their ethnic identity is from three different traditions: Spanish colonial, Afro-Caribbean, and North American. When they came to the United States they began to learn English and in the schools their children are taught English. Puerto Rican Americans feel very strongly about their homeland and...