Essay Shc52 (Unit 2)

Essay SHC52- Professional development.
Professional development is key in driving forward any service within the health and social care sector, assisting in identifying high quality care and maintaining and developing this as identified in the RCN 2007:2.
There are many different ways in which people learn; different people are susceptible to different teaching techniques and what is a good method for one is not necessarily of the same benefit to another. The principles of adult learning are the same for all and include:
  1. The Law of exercise: This promotes learning by doing and by doing so in the environment in which you work and with the equipment you would use for your work.
  2. The Law of association: This emphasises learning built upon what we already know or have experienced and developing these further.
  3. The ‘need to know’ motivation: This identifies what knowledge a person requires to motivate themselves as if they feel they do not need to know something they are unlikely to pursue it to learn further.
  4. The need to be self-directing: If an individual’s predominantly responsible for their own learning then they are more likely to learn more than when told what to learn.
  5. Readiness to learn: If a person is not ready to learn then they are unlikely to.
  6. Learning empowerment: To view learning as a two way process empowering the learner and developing self-confidence.
  7. Learning curves and plateaus: where people learn at different rates and identifying plateaus in learning as normal and offering reassurance to continue learning.
  8. Positive learning: The purpose of giving constructive feedback to facilitate learning.
  9. Whole / Part / Whole learning: The breaking down of a task into manageable parts in order to achieve completion or the understanding of a specific role in a larger task.
Following this there are a number of learning theories, these include; Experiential learning where people learn based on...