
Spencer Koba
Pd. 3
Word Count: 734
Disagreeing with Weintraub
In his article “The Battle Against Fast Food Begins in the Home,” Daniel Weintruab appears to point the finger at parents for the growing problem of childhood obesity. He claims that parents are responsible for teaching their kids healthy eating and exercise habits, not the government or the fast-food companies. He argues that parents are the ones who need to step up to the plate, suggesting that other ideas from the Center for Public Health Advocacy aren’t likely to do much good until parents understand and accept their role in fighting childhood obesity. He also compares non-education on fast food, from parents to their children, like them leaving a loaded gun out for their child to touch or play with. (Although, he admits that it’s not easy without both parents home and he himself doesn’t have a fast food free household). He claims that we should do more to encourage personal responsibility.
However, by focusing the blame on parents, Weintraub overlooks the deeper problems of aging kids, continuous marketing strategies, and the latchkey kids.
Indeed, parents have personal responsibilities in the home; such as teaching their children right from wrong. But parents were children also, meaning they eventually grew up to a point where they had to start making their own decisions. I, as a teenager, am still my parent’s child. Of course they still feed and take care of me, but after a certain age I learned to be independent. Of course people may disagree, saying that parents have full authority within the household and what they say goes. I respect my parent’s authority, but when they are not present I take care of myself. They can never really control what I eat, because as long as I have my own money I’m capable of going out and buying my own choice of food. Sure parents can educate their kids about fast food, but in the end all kids eventually grow up; meaning they have a say in what they...