English Advanced Discovery

How has your perception of Discovery been affected by the texts you have studied? Include references to your prescribed text and two texts studied in class.

My perception of discovery has been greatly affected by these texts through the various forms these texts embody. The term discovery is a very broad term, in can affect the characters within a text on a physical, emotional and intellectual level. At times throughout our lives discovery can be unexpected and take on many different avenues. With the impact of discoveries having both positive and negative connotations revealing themselves throughout the plot of the text. Discoveries can be confronting, with emotional or intellectual conclusions arising as a result. Through investing in the form of discoveries meaningful new insights and experiences can emerge .With the following texts containing these mentioned characteristics.   The story of ‘The Tempest’ written by William Shakespeare revolves around a storm that Prospero, a man in power that was exiled and usurped by his brother has caused in order to extract revenge upon those that condemned him to exclusion. Another text that deals with discovery is the film ‘Finding Forrester’ directed by Gus Van Sant, with the text centring on a young writer- Jamal that finds a solitary mentor to guide him on a road of literary discovery.   Another text that deals with this concept is the poem ‘Migrant Hostel’, written by Peter Skyzynecki, this text revolves around migrants that have been cast aside due to World War two and the new country and unfamiliar territory that they must come to discover. With all of these texts contributing to my apprehension of discovery. My perception of discovery has changed through the physical landscapes and settings where certain events take place within the texts. Another form that has contributed to this list is the power of isolation and the outcomes in regards to unearthing certain information and the power past events can have on...