English 112

2086 review questions:

Answer each question and use your textbook for assistance.

Chapter 16, The Endocrine System

Define hormone.

Describe the two general mechanisms of hormone action and indicate how they relate to neural transmission.

Describe how hormone release is regulated and its three major types of stimuli.

List and describe the functions of the major endocrine organs.

Explain the relationship between the hypothalamus and the pituitary.

Define and describe prolactin and oxytocin.

Describe the location, function and structure of the following terms: thyroid gland and parathyroid hormone.   Include the effects of both hormones.

Name two endocrine glands that are important in stress response.

List the hormones secreted by the gonads in both male and female.

Describe the location and function of the pineal gland and thymus.

Chapter 17, Blood

List the components of blood.

Explain the physical characteristics of blood and its major functions.

Describe blood plasma and formed elements.

Discuss the structural characteristics, function and production of erythrocytes (red blood cells).

Describe the make up and breakdown of hemoglobin.

List the general and functional characteristics of leukocytes (white blood cells).

Identify and describe the components of granulocytes and agranulocytes.

Define the following terms: myeloblasts, platlets, homeostasis, and fibrinolysis.

List the three major phases in homeostasis.
List the three major steps of coagulation.

Describe the clotting process and how clot overgrowth is usually prevented.

Chapter 18, The Cardiovascular System: The Heart

Describe the size and location of the heart in the thorax.

Name the coverings of the heart.

Describe the structure and function of the three layers of the heart.

Describe the structure and function of the four chambers of the heart.   Include the major vessels associated with each.

Trace the pathway of blood...