Enabling Learning Through Assessment

TETA 1056   Enabling Learning Through Assessment   (ELA)
Task 2
Feedback is an essential element of effective communication between teachers and learners and is one of the most powerful methods for improving and motivating learning. Whether the feedback is oral or written, it is imperative to establish a relationship of mutual trust and respect. (Moorse & Clough, 2002) Highlight the importance of involving learners and emphasises that feedback is a two way activity between teacher and learner and will not be beneficial either party if this does not underpin the process.
Most elements of best practice criteria apply to both oral and written feedback. The importance of considering not only the intellectual but also the psychological perspectives of feedback is discussed by (Scales, 2008) He suggests that the emotional elements can have the greatest impact on learners achievements and whether they view themselves as ‘successes’ or ‘failures’. For this reason it is good practice to start and finish any form of feedback on a positive comment with emphasis on learner’s strengths and achievements. Within this, it is then possible to make specific reference to any areas for improvement and learners will usually be more receptive to constructive criticism or suggestions when not approached in a negative manner. When successes are recognised and praised, most students will probably view reasonable suggestions for improvement as challenging rather than demotivating.

Christine Coles     Student No. 000796554             (pg2)

Feedback in any format should form a crucial part of the ongoing formative assessment of any learner. As part of this process the aim is to facilitate learning and its key strategy is to enable learners to improve and develop through motivational support.   Feedback should always be targeted and identify specific areas for development in knowledge or skills....