Employee Motivation

It is possible for an employer to motivate an employee.   The employer can use both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.   The motivation depends on what the manager can do within his power without having to get approval from his/her boss.
The manager can use intrinsic motivation.   Intrinsic motivation is the motivation provided by an activity itself   [ (Morris & Maisto, 2005) ].   Talking with an employee about the job and asking their likes and dislikes will help determine what would motivate the employee to do their job better.   If one employee likes to work with the public and another like to be behind the scenes the best motivation for both employees would be to allow them to work in the positions that they like.   Most employees are more productive when they like the job they are assigned to.   People who have to work in a position where they are not comfortable would be less likely to be productive and may actually cause more problems within the business.
The manager can also use extrinsic motivation with the employees.   Extrinsic motivation is the motivation that derives from the consequences of an activity [   (Morris & Maisto, 2005) ].   If the manager tells the employees that they can be rewarded for their work efforts they are more likely to go above and beyond what they normally would.   Instead of the manager allowing employees to choose where they like to work the manager puts the employee in a position that they may not be as strong at.   The manager can tell the employee they could move out of that position and into a better position if they showed improvement in the current position.   The manager can also offer gift cards, raises, and lunch to improve production.   Although this would usually come out of the managers’ pocket, the manager would be ok with it because he/she would usually get compensated for the improvement in the business.
Some employees may choose to do both forms of motivation.   This allows improvement with both the employees...