“Elements of Good Practice in Community Translation”

Community Translators are expected to abide by a Code of Conduct (sometimes referred to as Code of Practice or Code of Ethics) setting a framework for translating in the public services.   The objective of the Code of Conduct is to make sure that members of a professional association can be relied upon to behave according to rules that protect and respect the interests of their commissioners (clients) as well as those of their fellow members. Also it states that communication across language and culture is carried out consistently, competently, impartially and that all those involved in the process are clear about what may be expected from them. Through my essay, I am going to explore the significance of main elements of good practice for community translation.

First of all I’d like to evaluate the element, which in general, is considered the most important in the translating industry, accuracy or interpreted as competence. Community translators shall take all reasonable care to be accurate. This means that they should be translating their work completely and truly. Furthermore, they shall not alter, make additions to, or omit anything from their assigned work.   For example: Translators are often required to translate important medical letters regarding their client’s health and the treatments required. If this letter is translated inaccurately, omitting or changing critical facts, it could be fatal for the client’s health or drastically decrease their quality of life.

The second essential element of good practice in translating is reliability. Once professionals agreed to undertake the translating task, they should complete their work on time (meeting deadlines), should be competent in their language and not accept the jobs beyond their ability. In the case of emergency when they’re not able to complete certain task on time, the translator should contact the agency/commissioner immediately. Also it is expected from translators that they make the necessary...