Ehaviourists Explain Maladaptive Behaviour in Terms of Learning Principles That Sustain and Maintain It. Discuss This Statement and Show How a Behaviourist’s Approach to Therapy Is in Stark Contrast to the Psychoanalytic One”.

“Behaviourists explain maladaptive behaviour in terms of learning principles that sustain and maintain it. Discuss this statement and show how a behaviourist’s approach to therapy is in stark contrast to the psychoanalytic one”.

Word Count - 2421

“Behaviourists explain maladaptive behaviour in terms of learning principles that sustain and maintain it. Discuss this statement and show how a behaviourist’s approach to therapy is in stark contrast to the psychoanalytic one”.
In this essay I will discuss the behaviourist’s main beliefs look at its origins and its approach to counselling in the modern day. I shall also discuss and compare the differences between the psychodynamic approach and the behaviourists approach to maladaptive behaviour; I will discuss and explain how a therapist would treat a client presenting with negative behavioural patterns using the two different styles of therapy. From this I will evaluate and explain in my own opinion which approach would be more effective if any.
Behaviourism is a learning theory that only focuses on observable behaviours. The main principle of this theory is that all behaviour is learnt. The belief is that all people are born as a blank slate, from there we learn everything. According to behaviourism, there are two main types of conditioning, which are:   Classical conditioning this occurs when a natural reflex responds to a stimulus. This technique was first demonstrated by Russian physiologist, called Ivan Pavlov. Pavlov showed that classical conditioning is when a stimulus (e.g. bell) that does not normally provoke a particular response (e.g. salivation), using the bell eventually does produce the response when it is paired with another stimulus (e.g. food) that normally does produce this response. This conditioning occurs when a response to an incentive is reinforced. This conditioning is a method of learning. The thought is that a person is taught using rewards and punishments for a particular behaviour....