Effects of Religion

Effects of Religion



    Religion affects people and society in many different ways, thus causing some

positive and negative effects in the world. While there are many organized religions, some have made more impacts than others. The Catholic religion has had a strong impact on the homosexuality of people. Roman Catholics believe that homosexuality acts are to be thought by natural law sinful. Some families that are of very strong beliefs will go beyond all means and disown family for homosexuality acts. Today this has had many impacts on the lives of homosexuals. As of this year, 2012, there are only six states that allow same sex marriages. This causes stress on same sex couples who wish to be married, and it causes people to riot and protest against it. Protests have been in the past and will be in the future until homosexuals get the same rights as none.
    Another organized religion that I would like to address about its impacts on people are Christianity. Christianity is one of the top followed religions in the world, that has changed the world because it has impacted a high number of people. Christianity teachers of miracles, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. This religion this past year made a huge impact on the lives of many, because of one of its many followers. Harold Camping was a Christian radio broadcaster, and a very strong Christian believer. Camping has made several attempts to have his followers believe that he has figured out the dates for the End of Times. As a result of Camping and his attempts to interpret the bible and the End of Times dates he set people in an up roar. As more and more people heard of the news he was spreading people began to fear for their lives, and the lives of others. As these dates several times have came and gone, and nothing was to happened,

followers began to...