Education and Development


Physical development
It is imperative that educators understand the aspects of the domains of development and how these aspects relate to and influence educational settings. The domains include the areas of cognitive, social, emotional and physical development. Each domain is of the upmost importance as they combine and integrate to complete a whole picture of the child. Within the domain of physical development there are systematic changes that take place as children grow. This allows the educator to provide opportunities for children to learn, practice, expand and refine their developing motor skills. Children within the six to ten year old age group, known as the middle childhood period expand and build on their existing gross and fine motor physical abilities.

As much as physical development follows a logical sequence educators must me mindful that each child is unique so there will always be deviations.
Numerous physical changes occur in children as they grow. During the middle childhood period children grow taller and gain weight however their basic structures remain the same (Mc Devitt & Ormrod, p161 2010). Gross motor skills become less awkward and speed and
Co-ordination improves. Their fine motor skills also improve as their drawings become more detailed and their handwriting becomes small and more consistent. They can sew, build models and complete other craft activities (Mc Devitt & Ormrod, p161 2010).

Gross motor skills incorporate the large muscles of the body including arms, legs, feet and torso. And depend on both muscle tone and strength. The physical activities include running, skipping, jumping, and so on. Fine motor skills concentrate on the smaller muscles including the hand and wrist which is very important to master the skills of handwriting, grasping and manipulation of smaller objects.
Physical movement is essential in the continuing development of the cognitive domain, physical movement increases myelination which is...