E111 Tma01

My experience, role and learning support
In accordance with BERA ethical guidelines I have changed all names (BERA cited in The Open University, 2014a).
Introduction – My Role
In this assignment I will be discussing my role as volunteer in a larger than average primary mixed-gender school (302 pupils). I currently support a Year 1 class (ages 5-6) for 6 hours a week in this community school. My role involves giving support in four areas: pupil, teacher, school and curriculum.
Pupil Support
Similarly to Didem Celik the bilingual assistant cited in Hancock et al (2013b, p. 8), my main role is to support a Bulgarian child who is a new comer to the country. As such I always support the group of children he's sat with during literacy, numeracy, ICT and other activities. In the beginning Ivan used to speak to me only in Bulgarian, however he gradually began to speak in English. This is in part due to the fact that I usually translate the teacher's instructions and respond to him in Bulgarian followed by the same answer in English. As Ivan's understanding of English keeps growing, he becomes more interested in school activities and more sociable (K.U 1.1).  
I also spend time helping other pupils. In the afternoons, I support the children in reading activities by spending 10 minutes with each pupil reading a specific passage. I then record what we have read, how the pupil fared and what they found interesting in their individual reading journals. Usually this activity takes place in a quiet corner in the classroom. But this doesn't work very well for Ivan who is very aware of the other children. Therefore, I take Ivan to the library where we work together away from the rest of the class which seems to enable him to achieve much more (K.U 1.1, K.S 3.1).
Teacher Support
My role also involves some general duties. These include helping the teacher and teaching assistant with activity preparation, arranging materials, putting up bulletin boards, sourcing books for...