
The main concepts of e-commerce is the transaction or communication in inter-business or inter-organizational (transaction between and among firms /organizational).
There are different types of e-commerce. The major are business-to-business (B2B); business to- consumer (B2C); business-to-government (B2G); consumer-to-consumer (C2C); and mobile commerce (m-commerce).
B2B e-commerce
E-commerce between companies is simply defined as B2B e-commerce. Generally it deals with the relationship between and among businesses. As it has a 80% of market share in the field of e-commerce and continue to grow faster than B2C. It has two main components e-infrastructure and e-markets. Most B2B applications are in the areas of supplier management, inventory management, distribution management, channel management, and payment management.( http://www.apdip.net/publications/iespprimers/eprimer-ecom.pdf)
B2C e-commerce
Business-to-consumer e-commerce, or commerce between companies and consumers, involves customers assembly information; buying physical goods (i.e., tangibles such as accessories or consumer commodities) or information goods (or goods of electronic material or digitized content, such as software, or e-books); and, for information goods, receiving stuff over an electronic network.
B2G e-commerce
Business-to-government e-commerce or B2G is usually defined as commerce between companies and the public sector. It refers to the use of the Internet for municipal procurement, licensing procedures, and other government-related matters. This kind of e-commerce has two descriptions: first, the community sector assumes a leading role in establishing e-commerce; and second, it is considered that the public sector has the greatest need for making its acquiring system more effective.
( http://www.apdip.net/publications/iespprimers/eprimer-ecom.pdf)
*C2C e-*commerce
It is commenced between private individual and consumers. This type of...