
CTLLS/DTLLS Part 1 Assignment Cover & Feedback Sheet

Unit 1 Roles & Responsibilities in Relation to Lifelong Learning Level 4
Assessment Criteria Units – 1.1 – 1.4, 2.1 – 2.3 & 3.1-3.2

Assignment Number | P1 | Name of Learner | |
Date Submitted | | Name of Mentor | |

Assignment 1
Produce a chart to display the hierarchy and job titles within your organisation (or one that you would hope to work in).

Assignment 2

Describe all of your job functions in detail and explain how your roles and responsibilities connect with those of others in the above chart.

Mentor Feedback

Mentor signature | | Date | |
Learner signatureto confirm receipt of feedback. | | Date | |
IV Signature | | Date | |

The following are the expected aims and learning outcomes for this unit. In each assignment, identify which of the 3 learning outcomes you are attempting to meet (through a heading, sub-heading or a reference in parenthesis). Before starting the assignments, look closely at the indicative content and the assessment criteria to ensure that your work goes into sufficient depth.

The purpose of the unit is to enable the candidate to understand the role and responsibilities of a teacher in lifelong learning and the relationship between different professionals in lifelong learning. It includes responsibility for maintaining a safe and supportive learning environment for learners.

Learning OutcomesThe learner will | Assessment CriteriaThe learner can |
1 Understand own role and responsibilities in lifelong learning. | 1.1 Summarise key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice relating to own role and responsibilities. |
| 1.2 Analyse own responsibilities for promoting equality and valuing diversity. |
| 1.3 Evaluate own role and responsibilities in lifelong learning. |
| 1.4 Review own role and responsibilities in identifying and meeting the needs of learners. |
2 Understand the...