Dtlls Unit 411 Planning to Meet the Needs of Learners

What have I learnt from this unit/task/session?   By planning a series of lessons that show progression and show that I am taking knowledge further. Within my planning I would include a
• Starter – to capture interest, engage and focus attention.
• Plenary - to check learning has taken place and to share understanding.
The ways in which I would create an interest in the subject that I am delivering would be to set the scene by playing soothing and relaxing music, have visual aids placed around the room like posters, magazines, pictures, and a variety of products to touch, feel and smell. This will automatically create a buzz and interest for the subject while meeting the needs of all different learning styles. To check that learning has occurred at the end of my session, hot seating is a great way of implementing. Using this method everyone can access the task at their own level and ability (H2.2) Blooms taxonomy is a great example because there are different ways to pose questions. However some learners will omit some of the stages of Blooms to reach the evaluative stage quicker than others. Whereas, some learners will progress through each stage at their own pace. Using Blooms higher order verbs to challenge my learners, moving them from ‘recalling’ information, to applying, analysing, and evaluating.

How will I use what I have learnt to improve my own teaching? By reflecting on my teaching practice it will enable future planning to cater for all learners by identifying what went well and what didn’t go well. It is vital to reflect on my own practice so that improvements can be made if there is any need for an improvement. When reflecting need to explore and have some significance in terms of what to achieve to understand better and find alternative ways of reacting and responding to them. In addition by doing this allows me to manage and question my own practice, enable to developing understanding and increase control of professional judgement....