Dse141 Tma02


Compare and contrast how Skinner and Harlow have used non-human animals in behavioural research.

Behaviour has been a topic researched by many psychologists over the years. The basic idea of behaviour is if you want to treat irrational behaviour you must ensure that this behaviour is punished and the rational behaviour is rewarded. In general behaviourism is described as the idea that humans or non-human animals respond predictably to stimuli and those who control the stimuli, ultimately control the subject.
Two key figures who investigated behaviour are B.F Skinner and Harry Harlow, who conducted their research at different periods in history. This essay will identify the similarities and differences in both their approaches to investigating influences on behaviour, what conclusions and explanations they both drew from their results.
Both Skinner and Harlow have left an individual mark on how behaviour is perceived and have influenced how we view and research behaviour today.

Both Skinner and Harlow’s approaches were based on the previous works done by other psychologists. The work of Edward Thorndike and Ivan Pavlov, provided a historical context for Skinner’s later work (Toates, 2010, p158). Skinner’s work was also influenced by J.B. Watson’s view that psychology should concern itself only with observable and measurable behaviour (Brace and Byford, 2010, p271),
Harlow was influenced by the scientist John Bowlby, who sought to show that the attachment and bond of a parent and its child is based on the provision of comfort (Brace and Byford, 2010, p272) and not on cupboard love.

Skinner and Harlow sought to examine the behaviour in humans, with slight different focus to their aims. Skinner wanted to explore instrumental conditioning where the outcome of the situation is dependent on the behaviour of the participant (Toates, 2010, p162),
Whereas, Harlow sought to explore a different aspect of behaviour, which was of attachment. Harlow wanted...