Diversity in Real Life

Diversity in Real Life
J. Ryan Stewart
University of Phoenix

Diversity in Real Life
Diversity is essential in cultivating an open-minded and productive environment. The ability to adapt to any situation, develop a solution to any problem, and complete any task stems from the diversity of the group involved. This paper will define diversity and explain how diversity plays a vital role in the success of a group.
The word diversity comes from the root word diverse. Merriam Webster defines diverse as “being different from one another” or “composed of distinct or unlike qualities” (Webster). The concept of diversity is most commonly associated with the homosexual community and the battle they have been fighting for many years to be accepted as equals with all the same rights as the heterosexual community. While much progress has been made towards true diversity, the battle is far from over. Many more years will pass before both communities can stand as one. Most individuals are unaware that diversity comes in more forms than those seen in the battle of the gays and the straights.
Diversity in the workplace consists of a team made up of different types of personalities, cultures, and skills. If each member in the team thinks exactly like every other member of the team and possesses the same skills, little room is left for creative growth and new, possibly groundbreaking ideas. This is where diversity becomes important. A group with many different types of input, from equally different backgrounds, will have a far greater chance of developing the most efficient solution to a problem. The ability to listen to different points of view and consider each person’s ideas to be valuable, without prejudice, is fundamental in building a diverse work environment. The willingness to put differences aside and focus on each person as an individual and not according to labels society has placed on them will determine the integrity of the group. Diversity will therefore...