“Discuss the Strengths and Limitations of Psychological and Sociological Approaches to the Study of Deviance in Childhood and Youth, Focusing on One Particular Theme or Topic Covered in the Unit.”

“Discuss the strengths and limitations of psychological and sociological approaches to the study of deviance in childhood and youth, focusing on one particular theme or topic covered in the unit.”

In this essay I will look at the girl gangs as a theme, I will look at the way in which Kohlberg theory (psychological approach) views deviance and how it can be solved. I will contrast it to the labelling theory (sociological approach). I will try to look at both the limitations and the strengths of both the theories and how they view and explain deviance.
Kohlberg theory:
Moral development is “the process of learning to distinguish between right and wrong in accordance with cultural values” (Bee, h and Boyd, D, 2004, p.340)
Kohlberg thought that moral development shaped the behaviour of a child Bee, h and Boyd, D, 2004) this is supported as “behaviour proposed by Kohlberg is that the higher levels of moral reasoning a young person shows, the stronger the link to behaviour ought to become” (Bee, h and Boyd, D, 2004, p.348) higher levels of morality resulted in higher levels of prosocial behaviour. This was supported in the research by Schonert-Reichl, 1999 where “the highest levels of antisocial behaviour are found among adolescents at the lower level of moral reasoning” (Bee, h and Boyd, D, 2004, p.348).
Kohlberg’s theory was developed from Paige’s idea of moral development. (Schetter, H, 1996, p292) Which consisted of three, the levels were developed from Paige’s stories which he told the children and when Piaget observed the way that the children played with marbles. (Schetter, H, 1996, p292)
Kohlberg however developed these levels into a theory   which consists of 3 levels each having 2   stages (all together 6 stages) “Kohlberg assessed children’s (and adults) moral development by presenting them with stories containing moral dilemmas” (schetter,H 1996), one of which being the Heinz dilemma, where “specific moral issues, such as the value of human life”(...