Discrimination: an Epidemic of the Past, Present, and Future

Discrimination: An Epidemic of the Past, Present, and Future
The presence of laws is imperative for a society to succeed; any civilization must have a set of rules that govern and regulate all citizens, ensuring that every citizen is treated equally. These laws must be applied to every citizen indiscriminately and fairly, with each individual required to follow these laws the same as any other citizen.
Our nation was founded on the basis of equality, yet human nature can tend to lean towards discrimination and bias against other individuals who are different. The United States can be considered to be a melting pot of people from (or ancestors hailing from) different countries and cultures, yet these citizens are Americans just as much as the next person. Anti-discriminatory laws have been ratified to ensure that the rights of these citizens are protected and that these Americans have equal opportunity to find employment.
Discrimination is most evident when conducted against minorities, yet there are some areas like Hawaii where the difference between majority and minority may not be so evident; according to the U.S. Census Bureau website, white people, who account for 80.1% of the population of the United States in 2006, accounted for a mere 28.6% in Hawaii. On the other hand, citizens of Asian ancestry accounted for 40.1% of Hawaii’s population as opposed to just 4.4% on a national scale. Looking at numbers alone may suggest that Hawaii would be free of discrimination based on the diversity of its population, yet like anywhere else in the world, Hawaii is not free of its share of bias. This report will introduce discrimination laws and a real case in which discrimination has occurred in an unsuspecting place.
History and Evolution of Employment Laws
Diversity is what defines the United States, yet with this diversity comes the probability of discrimination. As early as the 1960s, Congress has enacted sets of laws that “the major forms of employee...