Different Barriers to Communication

Different barriers to communication
The following assignment will discuss the different barriers to communication and how to overcome them.

  * Disability and impairment.
Practitioners need to be trained to recognize if a child has a hearing impairment, limited mobility, visual or verbal impairment and any other condition such as cleft palate, stammer or if a child has autism. Adapting the way you communicate according to the individual needs or the child or adult is important so they can understand you and you can understand them.
Hearing difficulties may prevent a recipient from picking up the spoken word. They benefit from you speaking to them slow and with exaggerated lip movement, so they can lip read. It is also important for children and adults to see you face clearly. Children may also benefit from a visual approach such as makaton.
A visual impaired child or adult could find communicate a barrier if they cannot pick up facial expressions, gestures or anything that has been written down for them. So a low noise environment with few distractions will help. Also to consider too, is if the font size will help a visual impaired person.
  * An additional language.
If two people are trying to have a discussion and both speak different languages, it can be extremely difficult to communicate. A child or young person, who is very competent communicating at home, may need extra support to develop their additional vocabulary. When speaking with children or adults who have a different language, facial expressions, hand gestures and tone of voice can help with what you are trying to say. In my setting we have children that have English as additional language. When speaking to them I tend to slow my speech down, make gestures with my hands and smile. I also use a few simple words in their own language when speaking to them.
  * Distractions (Background noise).
Distractions are one of the most annoying barriers. Sometimes they are inescapable or...