Describe the Expected Pattern of Development for Children and Young People Birth to 19 Years

Describe the expected pattern of development for children and young people birth to 19 years.  

Include the following –

• The difference between sequence of development and the rate of development and why the difference is important.
Sequence of development is the order that a child develops (various skills Social, language, physical etc) but this can vary from child to child. One child may start with crawling and then slowly start walking but another child may sit up, crawl of a bit start walking much quicker.The rate of development is the speed of which a child develops these skills.

If you are aware of the difference between rate and sequence it may alert you to any additional needs the child may have.

• How development is influenced by personal and external factors.
• How disability affects development
The development of young people can be influenced by a number of personal factors these can have an adverse effect on development to a greater or lesser extent dependent on intervention and awareness of the factors. The health of a young person can alter development if the child has a genetic condition such as Down’s syndrome they may have physical impairments as well as cognitive development issues. If the mother has smoked or taken drugs/alcohol during pregnancy then the infant may be born with serious health issues that slow development or have physical manifestations. One example of this would be Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. ‘The main effect of FAS is permanent central nervous system damage, especially to the brain. Developing brain cells and structures can be malformed or have development interrupted by prenatal alcohol exposure; this can create an array of primary cognitive and functional disabilities (including poor memory, attention deficits, impulsive behaviour, and poor cause-effect reasoning)’ ( Other health issues that may...