
Jacqueline Partlow
February 23, 2014
Richelle Whittaker

Depression is something that all people go through at some point in life. Many people go through a normal day and have their emotions fluctuate due to some sort of stimuli. It’s when moods like depression or mania that affect people for a longer that normal period of time or when they constantly fluctuate between depression and mania is when it becomes a mood disorder.

What is unipolar and bipolar depression? Unipolar depression a major depressive episode that occurs without the manic phase that occurs in the classic form of bipolar disorder. They have no history of mania and return to a normal or nearly normal mood when their depression lifts. Symptoms of Unipolar emotional, motivational, behavioral, cognitive, and physical. It is a depressed mood a lack of interest in activities normally enjoyed, changes in weight and sleep, fatigue, feelings of worthlessness, guilt, difficulty concentrating and thoughts of death and suicide. (Ronald J. Comer Abnormal. Adding shopping and fun activities in treatment with people that are unipolar can certainly put a person in a better mood. Bipolar is the opposite others experience periods of mania that alternate with periods of elevated moods, manic episodes, and depression. Mood swings run on a spectrum from mild to mania (called hypomania) to severe debilitating highs. Periods of mania can last for hours, days, weeks or even months before a person plunge back into depression.
• How re they different? What makes them different while both groups experienced few differences in the type of depression symptoms they have. Bipolar disorder tends to experience suicidal thoughts and psychomotor disturbance more frequently and at a lower severity of depression than those with unipolar depression. Unipolar patients more frequently experienced fatigue at moderate but not low or high-levels of depression that the bipolar patients do....