
Depression Paper
LeAnn Lawyer
Axia College of University of Phoenix
Abnormal Psychology: Abuse, Addiction, and Disorders
Stacie Flynn
October 31, 2010

Depression Paper
      Individuals often use the word depression to describe feeling sad, blue, or down on themselves. However, once it begins to interfere with the normal way of living it becomes a psychological disorder. An individual who has bouts of depression may have difficulty socializing, going to work, or feeling happy. People in depressive episodes are often tired, hopeless, and unable to concentrate, and they typically experience changes in their weight and sleep cycle (Comer, 2005). Depression and mania can affect not only those suffering from the disorders, but everyone around them. Depression and mania can include exhausting physical and mental symptoms. People can suffer from one or both of these disorders. Treatments are available that can improve the lives of those who suffer from them these disorders. Two types of mood disorders that individuals suffer from include unipolar disorder and bipolar disorder.
      Most people with a mood disorder suffer only from depression, has no history of mania, and they return to a normal or nearly normal mood when their depression leaves (Comer, 2005). Unipolar disorder, or unipolar depression, is sometimes classified as clinical depression or major depression (Bipolar Central, 2010). Patients, who suffer from this disorder, experience significant disruption in their work, social life, and family life. They no longer enjoy the things they used to do and may become withdrawn, hopeless, and overwhelmed. If severe unipolar disorder goes untreated, it can result in suicide, lost relationships, and lost jobs (Bipolar Central, 2010). The causes for unipolar disorder are not fully understood but they may be varied and can include disruption in neural circuits and neurochemicals in the brain, genetic predisposition, secondary disorders like...