
4/1/2012 |
Andrea Washington SCI/241 |

Water is an essential part of health care for many reasons. Most importantly, water is a major component of tissues and cells in the body. Which means our very make up is dependent on being properly hydrated. Without water our organs can fail, we are faster and will ultimately perish. When you look at the various life forms on earth, water is an integral link that most all life forms need to survive. After reading that I bet you are wondering where I am going with this and what I mean by this... Not having enough water can lead to a serious well known unhandled issue called Dehydration which can lead to death! Water is our body’s principal component and makes up about 60 percent of your body weight. Every system in your body depends on water. For example my niece was just hosptiazled because she was 70% dehydrated and we had no idea. Her breath was stinking real badly and the inside of her mouth was raw, so she end up having to have an IV and she was fed fluids to help her regain her level of hydration. Lack of water can lead to dehydration, something that happens when there is not enough water in your system.   Water flushes toxins out of your vital organs, and then carries it to your cells. (Mayo Clinic 2012) Water is needed to break down and digest food. Food cannot be digested without water... There are so many functions of water in the body, however the main function that we should rely on is making sure we get at least 8 ounce glasses of water, and this has been a cliché for years, however it has been proven that the body will function as we drink more water. Our bodies cannot function without water, its impossible. Water regulates your body temperature, maintains your equilibrium and helps the live break down and releases more fat. Your brain tissue is 85% water. Often times we ask how much is enough? Our body needs about three quarts of replacement water every day under normal conditions... I went to...