Deception in Wss

In what ways is the theme of deception portrayed in Wide Sargasso sea and Jane Eyre

In Wide Sargasso Sea and Jane Eyre deception is explored through the marriage and commitment of Mr Rochester to both Bertha mason and Jane Eyre. The chosen extract from Jane Eyre portrays this significant theme of deception when an unknown speaker interrupts the joyous occasion of Mr Rochester’s and Jane’s marital binding by declaring that Mr Rochester is already married.
This theme is also produced in Wide Sargasso Sea when Mr Rochester is presented with a letter from a Mr Daniel Cosway, promoting an underlying madness in Antoinette’s family, leaving Mr Rochester to conjecture the thought that he has been victimised by marrying into a family where there is underlying physiological   complications.

With regards to contexts of production Jane Eyre was published during an era of patriarchal dominance, where female authors were not regarded substantial for society. Jane Eyre would have never been published until later years if it wasn’t for the fact Charlotte Bronte used a Pseudonym to succeed.
During the era of publication, women were to marry into their own class as they had a lack of opportunities in life and had been bought up to be instructed in a domestic lifestyle. However due to the character of Jane’s and her liberal approach to not encounter into a marital life in this extract, and her abandonment from social hindrance to become an independent individual was frowned upon, creating a massacre amongst publishers who threatened to ban its release.
Wide Sargasso Sea, a prequel to Jane Eyre, was written during the rebellious 1960’s, the turning point of civilisation. From a time where ideas were simplistic to an environment where social and racial restraints had been lifted. Authors, both male and female, were now encouraged to write freely about previous unmentionable topics. Rhys is compelled into writing bout the racial differences between Mr Rochester and Antoinette...