Dd101 Tma 03

Figure 1:

In the choropleth map, it shows nearly every city (apart from Edinburgh) has increased its population between 0 & 4%, Edinburgh City being the only one that has seen an increase of 8% or more.   These observations are based over a ten year period, from 2000 to 2010.  

Interestingly, the areas that have decreased in population (North & South Ayrshire, Argyll & Bute plus Eilean Star) are all on the coast.   Another very large area that has shown an increase, is the Highlands.   They have seen between 4 but less than 8% population increase, as does the Orkney Islands & Scottish Borders.

Other areas that have shown the largest increase include Perth & Kinross, Aberdeenshire, East Lothian, West Lothian & as previously mentioned; Edinburgh City.  

From examining the map, it appears that nearly half of Scotland has seen a fairly large increase in population, showing between 4 but less than 8% in total.   The areas that have shown the largest increases, are in fact also the smallest compared to the rest of Scotland.

Figure 2:

Moving on to the graph, this table is describing changes in age structure of Scotlands population, again over a ten year period – 2000 to 2010.   There are 6 ranges/groups that have been shown & it clearly states 2 out of the 6 groups have seen a decrease in population, these ages being 0-15 year olds & 30-44 year olds.  

The other 4 categories have shown a significant increase, the largest being ages 45-59.   In this range, nearly 130,000 more people have come to live in Scotland over the ten years, however we can’t see how or when the exact increases occurred.   These figures are also an estimation as it would be virtually impossible to portray an accurate summary, as that depends on participation amongst other criteria.

The lowest area, one that has shown the least increase in population appears to be 75 & over – this could be argued that there are likely fewer elderly/older people...