Dawe Opens the Door on War

Likewise, the writer Liam O’Flaherty also discusses the brutality of war.   In the sniper the brutality of war is shown through the quote “he took a steady aim. His hand trembled with eagerness. Pressing his lips together, he took a deep breath through his nostrils and fired.   The brutality of war is shown it this quote with the sniper saying that he was eager to kill his enemy showing that war turns you into   killing machine with no remorse.
Likewise, the writer Liam O’Flaherty also discusses the brutality of war.   In the sniper the brutality of war is shown through the quote “he took a steady aim. His hand trembled with eagerness. Pressing his lips together, he took a deep breath through his nostrils and fired.   The brutality of war is shown it this quote with the sniper saying that he was eager to kill his enemy showing that war turns you into   killing machine with no remorse.
Dawe Opens the Door on war
To conclude my statements dawe and O’Flaherty they use language techniques like repetition and metaphors to show the brutality of war and value of life in there poems/short story’s . These authors brilliantly describe the average person in society  
To conclude my statements dawe and O’Flaherty they use language techniques like repetition and metaphors to show the brutality of war and value of life in there poems/short story’s . These authors brilliantly describe the average person in society  
The poet Bruce dawe expresses the value of life in the poem weapons training by this quote” And you know what you are? You’re dead, dead, dead” In this quote the drill sergeant is saying that their lives are meaningless that they are going to die no matter what.
Also Bruce dawe shows the value of life in homecoming with this quote “they’re bringing them in, pilled on the hulls of grants, in trucks in convoys   they, zipped them up in green plastic bags “ in this quote its saying...