Dads Are Parents Too

Are you a divorcee? Single dad, perhaps? Do you have a toddler or baby? When people think of single parents, most would think of the mother when it’s regarding kids. What about the father? The father has just as much responsibilities as a mother does, yet there’s many things that make it harder for a father do preform all his duties. Are we just all assuming it’s all it’s all up to the mother, or is it certain circumstances making it easier for men around the nation to take the back seat?
For my sweet sixteen birthday, my uncle offered to take me to a dream vacation to the Galapagos Islands. My uncle Luis lost his daughter about ten years ago, and ever since then, he and I have became extremely close. I couldn’t say no to this trip. Although, he had a toddler from a recent divorce, he was coming for the ride as well. I knew traveling with a toddler wasn’t ideal, but I really wanted to go on this trip.
In the airplane on our way to Galapagos Islands, everything was fine and dandy. I sat in the window seat, so that my uncle could get up as often as he pleased to attend to his son. However, after we arrived to Galapagos, we started doing tourist things immediately. We went on hikes and went around a resort on our first day there. His son started crying when we went to the resort, and my uncle Luis looked at me nervously and asked me, “Can you please change him?”. I didn’t think anything of it and the moment. I quickly got his son took him and changed him. Then this started to be a routine, where I was constantly taking his son to change. Later that night I asked why did I have to be the one changing him all the time, and this is where he began to explain to me how it’s always a struggle for him because there’s no diaper changing tables in mens restroom. I immediately began intrigued…
Why is there not diaper changing tables in men’s restrooms? It’s makes it nearly impossible for a man to change a child in public. This is like saying,...