Dabbawala Supply Chain Network

Supply Chain Management

Assignment # 2
Dabbawala Supply Chain Network

Submitted By
Waqar Ahmed (CM 31/2009)
Submitted to
Mr. Hanif Ajari

Dabbawala Supply Chain Network
Mumbai Dabbawala or tiffinwala are the ones who carry lunch boxes. They are known for collecting lunch boxes from homes and delivering them to offices across Mumbai. The typical Mumbai residents prefer homemade food. Dabbawala provide the services of brining the lunch box from home to work and back.
Following are the major aspects of their functioning

1) Very low cost of operation
2) Error-free distribution of lunch-boxes
3) Highest level of customer satisfaction
4) Highly motivated workforce
5) Minimum use of Technology

Dabbawals are semi literate or illiterate with an average grade eight pass qualifications. They earn around Rs. 5000 to Rs. 8000 per month. In addition they get Deepawali bonus that they receive from customers.
Distribution network
Means of Transportation
For long distance travel, local train service is used. The use of this mass transport system is very economical as the fare for a daily commuter on these local trains is quite low.
Movement of lunch boxes from home to nearest originating suburban station is through bicycle, hand pulled wooden cart or in many cases dabbawalas carry these packed lunch boxes in their hand held bags.
Service quality characteristics
Following service quality characteristics are critical for the customers.
1) Everyone will like to have his own lunch box
2) It should be delivered neither too early nor too late.
3) The cost of this service should be low as a higher cost would dissuade customers from using this service.

Coding system for the lunch boxes
The coding system is unique, very simple and ad hoc but serves its purpose. The coding has a flow logic which ensures complete traceability and defines flow directions in both situations of forward logistics and reverse logistics of lunch boxes....