Cypw Level 3 Diploma Unit 4.3.2 Health & Safety Dilema

Unit 4.3.2 | | explain the dilemma between the rights and choices of C&YP and the health and safety requirements |

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child explains that Children have the right to learn and develop into adults but they also need to be protected from harm.
Balancing the two things can be tricky for child-minder as I want to be able to encourage the children to try new things but I don’t want them to hurt themselves in the process.  
As I know the children so well I'm in a good position to guide the children and help them assess the risks on a new activity, by discussing it with the more confident children, before they embark.   My good relationship with the less confident children also helps as I can encourage them by reassuring them that I wouldn't ask them to do anything that I thought they couldn't achieve or that would hurt them. I have used treat bribes to help children to try new things, which have always paid off; for example an ice lolly for a shy child who was reluctant to climb up to new piece of equipment on an assault course. The smile on the child’s face when they have achieved the new activity always sticks in my mind! And to prove it they ran back round to do the activity again. They felt very proud of themselves and couldn't wait to tell their mum about it.
Children need to be able to take part in supervised risky play so they can learn to understand the limits of what they can achieve and the possible dangers of what lies ahead in an activity. This will in turn help them to be more confident when coming across a new activity, and can apply what they have already learned from their previous play.