Cypop5 Task 4.2

4.2 Explain how they would adapt routines to meet the needs of children at different stages of development
As a childminder the way in which you work and routines that you establish will be developed around the children that you care for, ensuring you meet their individual needs.  
All children benefit from structure and routine, regardless of their age.   As children get older, they gain in independence as they grow and develop, and this needs to be encouraged.   They need opportunities to make responsible choices about what they do, and when and how they do things.   However the duty of care, still remains with the childminder, and older children may find this restrictive at times, especially if you are caring or younger children at the same time.   This means as a childminder you may need to modify and adapt some of your routines to accommodate the changing needs of children.
Examples are outlined below of how as a childminder you may need to adapt your routines to reflect different stages of development:
- A young baby under the age of one joins your setting, you will have to plan into your day time allocated to sterilise the babies bottles
- When getting dinner ready, setting out a structured colouring activity for younger children, so that you can include the older children in preparing of foods and ask them to independently set the table for you
- You take on a new child who needs to use the buggy on the school run, may mean needing to leave 10 minutes earlier, so that the child who currently uses the buggy can walk on the school run.   By having to leave earlier, you may need to change your routine so that elder children help the little ones get ready to leave e.g. helping them put their coats on, do up the toggles on their coats.
- Once at school, a child sees a friend playing in the playground before school, rather than them staying by your side, as they get older you may allow them to go and play alongside them, but ensuring that they can keep you in...