Cypop5 Task 1

Task 1

1:1- Outline current legislation covering home based childcare and the role of regulatory bodies.

Current legislation Information

The Childcare Act (2006)

This act is the first piece of legislation exclusively concerned with early years and childcare.
The Childcare Act (2006)introduced the Early Years Foundation Stage,
As stated on the Northamptonshire city council web page, childcare act 2006, page 2 'The new framework aims to support providers in delivering integrated early education and care for children aged birth to 5'

The act also introduced two new registers:
-The Early Years Register (EYR)
This is for provisions who care for children aged birth to 5.

-The Ofsted childcare register (OCR)
This register is for people who look after children aged 5-8 years, mainly childminders and home based carers.

The Children Act (2004)

This piece of legislation came into effect as a result of the terrible Victoria Climbe case and from it arose the green paper 'Every Child Matters' which identifies five outcomes for all children:
-Be Healthy- Enjoy a healthy lifestyle both physically and mentally
-Stay Safe- Be protected from harm or neglect
-Enjoying and Achieving- Getting the most from life
-Making a positive Contribution- To be involved with the community
-Economic Well-Being- Not to be prevented from achieving full potential.

As stated on the web page, 'Every Child Matters': change for children booklet,
'2.1 ''The five outcomes for children and young people are given legal force in the Children act 2004, as the components of well being and the purpose of cooperation between agencies''
2.2''...they show the important relationship between educational achievement and well being''

Equality Act (2010)

This act ensures various groups of people are treated fairly and have protected characteristics under it, they are as follows:
