Cypop5 Task 1


1.1- Outline the current legislation covering home based childcare and the role of regulatory bodies.

Children Act 1989
Children Act 2004
Childcare Act 2006

The Children Act was first introduced in 1989. The law acknowledged that all children had rights, it stated: “The needs of the child are paramount”.
In 2004 the revised Children Act was written after the abuse and death of Victoria Climbie. It arose from the green paper “Every child matters” identifying 5 outcomes/goals for all children.

 Be Healthy - Living a healthy lifestyle and enjoying good physical, mental and emotional health.
 Staying Safe - To ensure that children are always being protected from any harm or neglect.
 Enjoy and Achieve - For children to enjoy life experiences and education whilst developing skills for adult hood.
 Make a Positive Contribution - Being involved with the community.
 Achieve Economic Well-being - Developing self-confidence and achieve their full potential. Preparing learners with the skills and knowledge needed in life.

Within Childcare act 2006 there are a number of changes. These changes were made to the legislation specificity for children in foster homes, adoption agencies, baby sitting, childminding and the handling of child related crime.

These changes were -

 The Early Years Foundation Stage. The EYFS seeks to provide quality and consistency, a secure foundation, good partnerships working between practitioners and parents/carers and equality of opportunity.
 Ofsted registers. This application decides whether you are suitable to be registered on the childcare register.
 Children centres and extended schools.
 Free early years funding for 3 and 4 year olds.
 Duty on local authorities to ensure sufficient childcare information.

Equality Act 2010

This act simplifies the current laws and puts them all together in one piece of legislation also making some areas of the law stronger. It...