Cypcore 3.3 - Safeguarding

3.3. -   Safeguarding

1.3 -   Analyse how national and local guidelines, policies and procedures for safeguarding affect day to day work with children and young people.

As a practitioner it's important to be aware of different guidelines, policies and procedures for safeguarding that affect your day day work with children and young people. For example, sometimes as a practitioner in your day to day practice, a child may feel confident enough to speak to you about some concerns about his or her welfare and following the policies and procedures you should show that the child that you're concerned about he/she is saying by listening carefully and showing empathy. You should also, reassure the child that you will help to solve the problem in any way that you can. You should also record exactly what the child has said and you should also make sure that this information remains confidential and should only be shared with your line manager or report it to a safeguarding officer.

Explain the importance of a child or young person centred approach.  

A child or young person centred approach is about putting the child first and meeting their individual needs, in order for the child to move on to the next stage of development. A child or young person centred approach also means that the child's feelings and opinions are listened to and are taken into account when decisions are being made about them. One of reasons as to why a child or young person centred approach is important is because, it boosts the child's   confidence and self esteem.   For instance, involving the child and asking for their opinion about meetings whereby decisions are made concerning them and this means that the child will feel more confident and valued as their opinions and feelings are being listened and taken into consideration. Another important reason is that a child or young person centred approach means that when the child is feels more confident then they are more likely to open...