Cyp Core 3.3 5.1

5.1 – Explain different types of bullying and the potential effects on children and young people

All types of bullying are a form of abuse that involves repeated acts that attempt to assert one's power over another person.
Both males and females (any age) are capable of bullying others. Many bullies only bully others out of jealousy.
Within my childcare setting I do not tolerate any form of bullying
The different types of bullying and potential effect……
1 - Physical
Physical bullying is bodily contact between a bully and a victim - for example, forms of aggressive contact (shoving, biting, punching, hitting or personal items stolen)
The potential effects on children and young people that are bullied could be:
- Poor academic achievement.
- Attempt suicide.
- Truanting from school / Tearful / Nightmares
- The child becomes distressed, anxious or depressed and withdrawn
- Loss of appetite / develop eating disorder
- The child suffers bruising, cuts, scratches etc.

2 – Verbal
Verbal bullying is when someone is deliberately hurtful causing upset, for example – name calling, insults, persistent teasing, and hurtful comments towards their appearance, race, religion or skin colour.
The potential effects on children and young adults that are bullied could be:
- May become aggressive  
- Delayed development
- Low self-esteem and self-worth
- A child becomes withdrawn and isolated.

3 – Emotional

Emotional bullying is anything that causes emotional upset.   Emotional bullying has been seen in a variety of situations, this includes friendships, emotional child abuse, intimate relationships, and can include isolating or excluding someone, spreading rumours or lies to humiliate someone.

The potential effects on children and young adults that are bullied could be:

- Self-Blame
- Depression
- Self harming.
- Lack confidence (shyness).
- Mental health problems in children.
- A child becomes withdrawn and isolated.
- Truancy...