Cyp 3.3

CYP 3.3

1.1 Outline the current legislation, guidelines, policies and procedures within own Home Nations affecting safeguarding of children and young people.

The current legislation, guidelines policies and procedures are:

The United Nations Conversation on the rights of the child 1989 (UNCRC)- under the treaty there are a list of rights to which every child under the age of 18 is entitled including full range of human rights civil, cultural, economic, social and political.

The children’s Act 1989- aims to achieve a balance between protecting children and the rights of parents to challenge the state intervention. It encourages partnerships between authorities and parents, and has restructured the framework of the courts esically with regard to family proceedings and has redefined the concept of parental responsibility.

Every child matters guidelines- which then lead to the Children’s Act 2004. This came about after a Laming Report was published the death of Victoria Climbie. 108 recommendations were made to over hall child protection. The main points were that there should be a much closer working relationship between agencies, there should be a central data base containing records of all the children and whether they are known to different services. There should be an independent children’s commissioner for England to protect children and young people’s rights. There should be a children and families board and Ofsted will set out and monitor children services.

Working together to safeguard children- set out how organisations and individuals should work together to safeguard children.

The common assessment framework (CAF) - is used across children’s services in England and is a way of finding out children’s additional needs and how they can be met.

Department for education (DfE) - also provides guidance and supporting documents for schools and local authorities regarding safeguarding and child protection.