Cyp 3.3 Lo 4.2 Describe the Actions to Take If a Child or Young Person Alleges Harm or Abuse in Line with Policies and Procedures of Own Setting.

LO 4.2 Describe the actions to take if a child or young person alleges harm or abuse in line with policies and procedures of own setting.
What to do if you have concerns or a child makes a disclosure
Stay calm and seek advice and support for yourself as soon as you are able from the class teacher or the schools Safeguarding Officer.
Always make a written record. Write the day and date, and wherever possible record the time on all records. This includes when you obtained the information and when you write the report (there is sometimes a gap between the two events) .Sign the report (with your name and position printed underneath). It is not appropriate to send sensitive/confidential information by e-mail.
If this is about a concern or suspicion you have about a child, include the nature of your concerns; what gave rise to them, where, when and how.
All recording must be factual. Distinguish between fact and opinion.
If a child makes a disclosure to you, you must thoroughly record the context and content of your involvement. Record details including what the child said to you, in their own words.
Ensure that interactions with children are child-centred, appropriate and professional.
Be honest and clear about confidentiality boundaries. Children need to know that staff may not always be able to uphold confidentiality where there are child welfare concerns and will need to share them with a Designated Child Safeguarding Officer, the Senior designated Person for Safeguarding or the Headteacher.
Listen, believe and take seriously what the child is saying to you.
Allow children time and space to talk to you, but avoid interrogating, investigating or examining children in your care.  
If you see a child with an injury, always ask them how they sustained the injury. Do not ask a child to remove clothing to show you an injury.
Always refer to a Designated Safeguarding Officer and agree what action, if any is to be taken.
The Designated Safeguarding Officer...