Cyp 3.1 Child Development

Child Development
1.2) The difference between the two starts with the fact that the sequence is the order in which development takes place, for example a baby has to stand before it can walk. However some children may miss out parts of the sequence for example not all children crawl before they walk. The rate of development is how they expect an 'average' child to develop depending on their age, for example they say boys go through puberty between the ages of 9-14 whereas you may find some boys go through it earlier/later. There is also a lot of reasons that a child may not follow the expected rate of development for their age such as; Disability, learning disability, health and nutrition and social background. This is important as knowing information such as this can help you to assess a child’s development and helps you to understand the child’s individual needs.
2.1) There are two main factors that influence a child and young person’s development. Genetic information is what triggers disability, this means the child or young person will need support in daily activities and can make them have different facial characteristics.   Health problems are also personal factors, if a mother smokes/drinks or takes drugs during pregnancy this can lead to the child’s health being affected which can lead to a slower development rate. If a child has language/communication difficulties they may find it hard to socialise with people or join in with games and activities.
2.2) A child’s development can be affected by external factors such as poverty and depravation, education and family environment/background. If a child is brought up in a poor area they don’t have the same access to health care, educational needs as children brought up in a stable/wealthy area. This can reduce the speed of their development if they become sick often and don’t have the right equipment in order to help them with their educational needs. Personal choices can affect their development. A child is...