Curious Dog in the Night-Time

By using a first-person narrator, the author is able to gain our sympathy for and understanding of Christopher because we learn to see things from his perspective? Do you agree?
Atticus from To Kill a Mockingbird once said; “You never know a man until you stand in his shoes and walk around in them.” This is something that Mark Haddon wants his audience to go and do. He wants his audience to walk in the shoes of Christopher; a fifteen year old genius that suffers from Asperger’s Syndrome. He wants them to feel and understand how it is in the world that Christopher lives in, and by writing The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time in first person, he is able to achieve this.
Christopher’s unique view of the world allows the reader to view the events that unravel from his perspective. When Christopher discovers letters addressed to him from his supposedly dead mother with a timestamp dated on “16th October 1997...18 months after Mother had died.”, although it is obvious to the reader that his mother is in fact alive and well, we still sympathise for Christopher as he is unable to comprehend the truth and makes it into a mystery in which he must solve. Christopher, using his logical thinking and Chain of Reasoning, tries to justify reasons as to why the letters are dated after his mother’s death; “Perhaps the letter was in the wrong envelope...why was she writing from London?”. We learn that his father is protecting Christopher from the fact that his mother had abandoned them for another man. By using first person, the reader is able to gain a better insight into Christopher’s character, way of thinking and relationships.
Mark Haddon is able to make his readers feel the emotions and personality of Christopher by writing The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time in first person. As a reader you are able to gain an insight into Christopher’s personality when he writes pages that are slightly off topic from the murder mystery such as how “The Hound of...