
CU1531 Engage in personal development in health, social care or children’s and young people’s setting
1.1My duties and responsibilities are to support service users with all aspects of personal care e.g. hygiene, dietary needs   whilst preserving their privacy and dignity, promote mental and physical activities e.g. carrying on doing their hobbies, taking them out for walks or shopping,   encouraging service users to be independent and maintain their freedom of choice in their everyday lives. Also providing and supporting service users with medication.
1.2The expectations in my work role are to follow my job description, policies and procedures and conduct and to follow the care quality commission standards, provide each service users with the care that is needed as stated in their individual care plans, to safeguard each service user to maintain their rights and wellbeing.
2.1It is important to use reflective practice as it help to develop your knowledge base of your job role and of your skills, understanding of service users’ needs. During supervisions you reflect on how you’re working, where you may need to improve and this is important so you can give the best possible care and the code of practice are being followed.
2.2During my duty I noticed that a service user at certain times of the day she would become more agitated and would start to busy herself with clearing plates away from other service users that have not finished eating, during handover my manager and I reflected on this situation and found that the pain relief the service user was on was not taking her pain away like it used to, so we got her stronger pain relief and the service user agitation subsided.
2.3 Everyone has different morals, values, preference’s and beliefs which affect the way you relate to other individuals, e.g. as what they see as important might not be as important to you and vice versa and you’re more likely to react to someone more positively if you have the same values and...

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